German exam preparation courses

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Take the exam with confidence

In these exam preparation courses you can prepare for various German exams.

We offer the following exam preparation courses:

Deutsch A1, telc Deutsch B2, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, Goethe-Zertifikat Deutsch B2, Goethe-Zertifikat Deutsch C1 as well as preparation for the TestDaF.

In all courses, the test modules (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written text production and oral expression) of the exams are practiced intensively. You will be given tips and taught strategies on how to master the exams in the best possible way.

A German certificate at A1 level is required, forexample, for spousal reunification.


Both the Goethe Certificate B2 or C1 and the telc German B2 or C1 exam are recognized German exams that many employers require as proof of advanced German knowledge when hiring.

If you are interested in taking the telc Deutsch B2 exam, please click here to go to the corresponding course page.


You can take the course face to face at our school or online (live via Zoom).


For more information about prices and course dates, please see our form at the bottom of this page.

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German exam preparation courses

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